Neck Liposculpt in Syracuse & Rochester, NY

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What is Neck Liposuction?

Neck liposuction, also known as “neck liposculpting”, refers to technique involved in removal of excess fat under the chin “double chin”, and redraping the skin to improve the neck contour and restore youthful jawline. Based on the patient's preference, fat transfer can be performed while awake through minimal sedation or through twilight-sedation in the operating room setting. When neck liposculpting is performed, we are relying on two processes to achieve the outcome. First, we are performing traditional liposuction to reduce the excess fat volume under the chin. Unlike body liposuction, care must be taken to not perform aggressive liposuction which can result in poor outcome. Through a small (1-2cm) incision within the natural under-chin crease line, liposuction is performed. Depending on the patient, undermining of the tethering fibers at the jawline may be performed to further improve jawline contour during re-draping of the skin. Second process takes many months after the procedure. During the healing process, tissue under the skin where liposuction was performed undergoes a repair and remodel process during which the skin will re-adhere to the underlying tissue and contract. This mechanism allows tightening of the neck following removal of the excess volume from fat. Careful follow-up and treatment with steroid injection at the remodeling site over the following 1-3 months is important in achieving the desired outcome.

Recovery is short and uneventful. Most patients describe the procedure as painless. There will be some swelling and bruising (about a week, and covered with make-up if needed). Patients are instructed to wear a supportive chin strap for the first 4 days, then only at night time for the remainder of the week. Compared to traditional neck lift or face lift, stand-alone neck liposculpting is considered a minimally-invasive procedure with short recovery time (of note, neck liposculpting is integrated as the first step in every Natural Face Lift procedure). In an ideal candidate, neck liposculpting is an effective, economical, and safe treatment option for removal of excess fat under the chin/upper neck, and restore the neck contour.

What Can I Expect From Neck Liposuction?

Neck liposculpting performed at our clinic is a minimally invasive procedure. Based on your preferences, Dr. Kim in Syracuse, NY can perform this procedure with you awake using minimal or under twilight sedation in a well-equipped operating room setting. The first step in the process involves precise liposuction to remove excess fat beneath the chin through a small incision in the natural under-chin crease. This meticulous procedure avoids aggressive liposuction that can lead to unfavorable results. It promises a shorter and smoother recovery than traditional methods.

After the procedure, the next few months are dedicated to natural healing, where the treated area undergoes repair and remodeling, allowing the skin to reattach to the underlying tissue, resulting in a tighter neck profile. A series of follow-ups and potential steroid injections might be facilitated within the first few months post-procedure to ensure the desired outcome. Post-recovery, expect manageable swelling and bruising that generally subsides in about a week. To aid the healing process, a supportive chin strap is recommended for the first four days and during nights for the subsequent week.

Always friendly, knowledgeable, and patient. Dr. Kim and his staff are wonderful. Highly recommend.

B.F. Google

I've been seeing Dr. Kim for years. I used to travel from Ohio and Michigan to get Botox and my lips done. What makes an office amazing is not only the Doctor but the staff. They are ALWAYS friendly and polite. They are always professional and some how the doctor remembers small details about my life which I find even more amazing. I wish all doctor offices could be like this. Great job team.

J.C. Google

Staff is welcoming and friendly. Dr. Kim explains everything so you understand everything completely.

M.F. Google

Excellent care, absolute confidence in my treatment. Welcoming place

J.M. Google

Dr Kim is very knowledgeable and up on the latest technology. His staff is very thorough and professional. I am glad I changed ENT practices!!

M.S. Google


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